Don’t let the fear of a market shift keep you up at night. With our A.I., your bot can automatically recognize trends and switch to a better strategy.
Prices between exchanges and pairs can be different due to supply and demand. Make use of these price differences without withdrawing your funds from your exchange!
The Market arbitrage bot will look for market inefficiencies within one exchange. Your Hopper will attempt to increase the amount of the coin(s) you have selected as base coins. It will do this by taking advantage of price differences between three trading pairs available on your exchange.
The Market Maker bot provides liquidity to a market of your choice and can alternatively act as a way to profit from a big spread. The spread is the difference between the highest bid and the lowest
ask. The highest bid is the highest someone is willing to offer, while the lowest ask is the lowest price someone is willing to sell his assets for. Illiquid markets have big spreads, and market makers are the ones that place orders around to spread profit from it, reduce the spread, and therefore create liquidity.
Master users of Itrust’s Loyalty program can built their own trading features on top of the existing features by using Itrust’s API. This is a feature for power users that like to like to code their own trade ideas.
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